Conflicting Back Pain Information


It’s easy to get confused when reading and listening to information about health, wellness, fitness, and exercise. We are often caught in the collision between valid science and pseudoscientific snake oil mumbo jumbo. Even when good research is discussed in the press it’s often reported without nuance by reporters who don’t understand the statistical methodology. With…

I’m Training Like A Mother.


That title doesn’t make a lot of sense. Or, it does make some sense and that last word denotes something that shouldn’t be said in polite company. What I’m really saying is that I’ve connected with a running coach. Mary-Katherine (MK) Flemming, an RRCA-certified running coach, reached out to me after my last blog post. She’s a…

Health & Fitness Information: Fitness for Entrepreneurs, Dean Ornish is Wrong, Pesticides in Produce, Performance Enhancement Methods


Here are several articles with some interesting information that you may find helpful. Dean Ornish is wrong Scientific American offers a critique of the ideas of Dr. Dean Ornish in Why Almost Everything Dean Ornish Says about Nutrition Is Wrong. Dean Ornish, MD is a very bright guy. He is the founder and president of the nonprofit Preventive…

Activity is Better Than Rest for Overcoming Lingering Pain


I’m glad to see Outside Magazine delivering a message that may be very useful to anyone suffering from pain. (This is from 2009, but I just saw it.) The article mirrors my recent experience with my ACL rehabilitation. The Real Heal: Overcoming Athletic Pain says two things essentially: Rest usually doesn’t cure what hurts us. (In fact, too much…