I’m a big fan of the deadlift. For some reason I’m fascinated by plucking very heavy objects off of the earth. I my goal is 500 lbs. I’m hoping to hit it in the not-too-distant future. My prior PR on the deadlift was 420 lbs. Today, despite dealing with the remnants of a cold, I pulled 425 lbs. — AND THAT MAKES ME HAPPY! It’s a good way to start the weekend. That’s it. Nothing of much importance to add.
barbell training
Basic Barbell Training
StandardMy newly (re) discovered enthusiasm for barbell lifting has led me to start a new class at the gym called Basic Barbell Training. As the name suggests it’s a class based around traditional, tried-and-true barbell lifts: squats, presses, the deadlift, the clean and variations of these lifts.
Getting stronger is the goal.
To start the process, I’m holding several free seminars in order to generate interest in small group barbell training at the Cherry Creek Athletic Club where I work. Ideally I’d like groups of no more than three people. The class would meet two or three times per week, depending on how often people can attend. We’ll progress from simply learning the lifts, to upping our poundage and getting stronger, to developing power. This type of general strength and power development will benefit anyone from endurance athletes to golfers to anyone looking to improve daily physical function.
Seminar content will include footwear, posture, breathing and tension. We’ll cover two basic exercises in the seminar, the goblet squat and the overhead press. Both are bare-bones exercises that require minimal equipment. No racks or benches required.
Though the air/goblet squat doesn’t involve a barbell, it is an essential movement in learning how to squat and deadlift. The overhead press is a fantastic total-body exercise that translates to real life. Though only the arms are moving, the entire body must work at stability and balance.
Anyone may attend the seminars whether you’re a Cherry Creek member or not. Dates, times and location are as follows:
Dates & Times:
- Saturday, January 22, 11AM
- Monday, January 24, 6PM
Cherry Creek Athletic Club
500 South Cherry Street
Denver, Colorado 80246
Both members and non-members may attend. For more information, please contact me at DenverFitnessJournal@Gmail.com or by calling 720.587.7038.