Bench Press Instruction continued


The previous post consisted of the first three videos of a seven-part series on the bench press.  Here are the final four videos.  It’s pretty detailed stuff that you might find quite useful.  It all comes from the powerlifters at EliteFTS.

Key points to remember are:

  1. The bench press is a total body lift, not just an upper body lift.
  2. Keep the shoulder blades pinched back and pressed into the bench.
  3. Keep a tight arch in the low back.
  4. Keep the legs and glutes tight while pressing the feet firmly into the ground.
  5. Hold the breath during the upward push.
  6. Think of pulling the bar apart, or think of pulling the wrists apart.
  7. Keep the entire body tight and tense the whole time you’re under the bar.  Don’t relax.

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