3/14/14 Workout


Today’s run plan has a 5 mi. recovery run.  I split it into two runs as I ran up to work which is about 2.5 mi.  I did the following workout, worked, then ran home.  Today is an off day from lifting but that rarely means I’m not doing some collection of mobility work, single…

The Final Victory Against My Heel Pain Part I: Addressing the Biomechanics


I’m really thrilled to be writing this post because it seems I’ve finally truly gotten rid of a chronic heel/Achilles/plantar fasciitis issue that has been with me for a long time. (I’ve said this before and I’ve been wrong, but for the record I’ve been running a lot and my heel hasn’t felt this good…

NSCA Endurance Clinic Summary: Day 3


David Barr: Nutritional Supplements & Ergogenic Aids NSCA CSCS, USA Track & Field, Precision Nutrition Certified, participated in research with NASA High Return On Investment Supplements Caffeine blocks adenosine which results in less fatigue and lower feeling of exertion during activity concerns include GI distress and diuresis (exessive urination) Carbs type: glucose, fructose, maltodextrin timing:…

Summary of the NSCA Endurance Clinic: Day 2


Day 2: Dr. Carwyn Sharp – Role of Strength Training & the Endurance Athlete Factors determining successful endurance performance VO2Max – Not nearly as important as we’ve thought for years Lactate/Anaerobic Threshold Economy of Movement Velocity at onset of blood lactate accumulation (vOBLA) – This may be the most important. We need to think of…