Running posture, glutes, cramps and Achilles tendinopathy


I’ve written several times about my problems with Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciits. I’ve also written an article about cramping. My solution has been to strengthen the lower legs for the Achilles problem, and strengthen the adductors and hamstrings to fix the cramping. I think the strength work has helped, but there’s more to the story.…

Achilles Tendon Issues: Help from Dr. Ivo at Summit Chiropractic


My wife and I just recently enjoyed a long weekend in the mountains full of skiing/snowboarding, sleeping in,  and wishing we had a condo near the slopes.  Part of that weekend included a visit with Dr. Ivo Waerlop at Summit Chiropractic in Dillon, CO.  I went in hopes of 1) getting help with my sore…

Achilles Tendon Injury Resource


I just found this site The Running World According to Dean and it’s got some very interesting information, particularly some good information on Achilles tendonitis and/or tendonosis.  I’m going through this issue right now and it’s tremendously frustrating and mysterious. It’s not a cut-and-dried sort of thing.  It seems everyone’s Achilles issue is particular to…

Got Pain? Don’t Stretch, Strengthen.


If you’re like many runners, stretching is your first course of action when you feel pain. Sore Achilles tendon? Stretch the calf. Sore knee? Stretch the quads or the IT band. The problem is, tight muscles are rarely the root cause of pain, so stretching rarely solves the problem. A better solution for chronic, training-related…

Weight Training for Running


Research supports the use of weight and plyometric (jumping) training to aid running performance. Read all about it here, here, here, and here. I lift and jump about twice a week. I expect specific outcomes from the exercises I use. This is a discussion of my strategy. Plyometrics In running, the muscles and tendons act as springs.…